Interview with Mark Spivak, author of ?Iconic Spirits? ? WIN A KINDLE FIRE HD!
812 readers Mark Spivak is an award-winning writer specializing in wine, spirits, food, restaurants and culinary travel. He was the wine writer for the Palm Beach Post from 1994-1999, and since 2001 has been the Wine and Spirits Editor for the Palm Beach Media Group, as well as the restaurant critic for Palm Beach Illustrated. His work

Freelance Writing Jobs for October 25, 2012
2354 readersGood morning, everyone. Here are your freelance writing jobs. Freelance Writing Jobs Content Writing Content Writer ? Language Arts (San Mateo) Project-based Content Writers ? History and Social Sciences (Remote) Green Writer (Haight Ashbury) Wikipedia Expert (NY) Excellent Article Writer (Detroit Metro/Remote) Freelance Article Writer (Telecommute) Legal Content Writer (West Palm Beach) Blogging Jobs Health Supplements Writer (Remote) Real Estate/Finance Bloggers (Remote) Blogger (Las Vegas) Copywriting Jobs Freelance Copywriter (Hawthorne,

Freelance Writing Jobs for October 25, 2012
2322 readersGood morning, everyone. Here are your freelance writing jobs. Freelance Writing Jobs Content Writing Content Writer ? Language Arts (San Mateo) Project-based Content Writers ? History and Social Sciences (Remote) Green Writer (Haight Ashbury) Wikipedia Expert (NY) Excellent Article Writer (Detroit Metro/Remote) Freelance Article Writer (Telecommute) Legal Content Writer (West Palm Beach) Blogging Jobs Health Supplements Writer (Remote) Real Estate/Finance Bloggers (Remote) Blogger (Las Vegas) Copywriting Jobs Freelance Copywriter (Hawthorne,

Freelance Writing Jobs for October 25, 2012
2427 readersGood morning, everyone. Here are your freelance writing jobs. Freelance Writing Jobs Content Writing Content Writer ? Language Arts (San Mateo) Project-based Content Writers ? History and Social Sciences (Remote) Green Writer (Haight Ashbury) Wikipedia Expert (NY) Excellent Article Writer (Detroit Metro/Remote) Freelance Article Writer (Telecommute) Legal Content Writer (West Palm Beach) Blogging Jobs Health Supplements Writer (Remote) Real Estate/Finance Bloggers (Remote) Blogger (Las Vegas) Copywriting Jobs Freelance Copywriter (Hawthorne,

Freelance Writing Jobs for October 25, 2012
2426 readersGood morning, everyone. Here are your freelance writing jobs. Freelance Writing Jobs Content Writing Content Writer ? Language Arts (San Mateo) Project-based Content Writers ? History and Social Sciences (Remote) Green Writer (Haight Ashbury) Wikipedia Expert (NY) Excellent Article Writer (Detroit Metro/Remote) Freelance Article Writer (Telecommute) Legal Content Writer (West Palm Beach) Blogging Jobs Health Supplements Writer (Remote) Real Estate/Finance Bloggers (Remote) Blogger (Las Vegas) Copywriting Jobs Freelance Copywriter (Hawthorne,
An SEO Copywriter Walks Into a Pub?
8860 readersAn SEO copywriter walks into a pub, bar, public house, venue, beer, lager, wine, spirits, cocktails, pub food, gastropub, happy hour... And how we laugh. Still. Every time this tired old joke wheezes its way around Twitter, we all drop to the ground, rolling about in paroxyms of laughter, attempting to hold in our ruptured and

Freelance Writing Jobs for January 18, 2012
5356 readersGood morning, everyone! How are you all doing? I hope you don?t get a case of the mid-week blues today. Here are your freelance writing jobs for today. Freelance Writing Jobs Content Writing Veteran Content Contributor Ghost Writer for Stock Exchange Articles (Telecommute) Blogging Jobs Bloggers with Blogs Hosted in the UK Freelance Zumba Blogger Business of Gadgets Blogger (Anywhere) Web/Social Marketing Blogger (West Palm
How To Dream Without Making Dreams Your Master
5528 readersA guest post by Ollin Morales of Courage 2 Create There are a lot of people who dream about writing a novel but never actually sit down to write anything. In my opinion, these people aren?t lazy, irresponsible, weak, or cowardly. In my opinion, these are simply people who?ve yet to learn how to dream without making

National Book Award Finalists: Free Samples
12817 readersThe National Book Award finalists were revealed today on the Think Out Loud radio show. We live blogged all the action. Below, we?ve linked to free samples of all the finalists. Here?s more about the announcement: ?The twenty Finalists for the 62nd National Book Awards will be announced on Oregon Public Broadcasting?s morning radio program, Think

Ghost Hunter Susan Kronick on ?Sarah, They?re Coming for You Virtual Book Tour 2011?
7775 readersJoin ghost hunter Susan Kronick as she tours the blogosphere April 4 ? May 27 2011 with Pump Up Your Book to talk about her new autobiographical paranormal, Sarah, They?re Coming For You (Wild Child Publishing). Susan will be on a nationwide online book publicity tour giving interviews, giving away copies of her books
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